Fig. 1.
Adjusted risk ratios (aRRs) of exposure to anesthesia before age 3 yr and deficit on neuropsychological test scores, International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9)–coded clinical outcomes, and academic achievement scores in the restricted cohort (n = 781). The results are adjusted for sex, low birth weight (<2,500 g), race, income, and maternal education. CELF = Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals; CELF-E = CELF Expressive Language Score; CELF-R = CELF Receptive Language Score; CELF-T = CELF Total Score; CPM = Colored Progressive Matrices; ICD9-B/L/C = ICD-9–coded Behavioral, Language, and Cognitive Disorders; ICD9-B = ICD-9–coded Behavioral Disorders; ICD9-L/C = ICD-9–coded Language and Cognitive Disorders; NWAMSE = WAMSE Numeracy Test; RWAMSE = WAMSE Reading Test; SWAMSE = WAMSE Spelling Test; WAMSE = Western Australian Monitoring Standards in Education; WWAMSE = WAMSE Writing Test.

Adjusted risk ratios (aRRs) of exposure to anesthesia before age 3 yr and deficit on neuropsychological test scores, International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9)–coded clinical outcomes, and academic achievement scores in the restricted cohort (n = 781). The results are adjusted for sex, low birth weight (<2,500 g), race, income, and maternal education. CELF = Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals; CELF-E = CELF Expressive Language Score; CELF-R = CELF Receptive Language Score; CELF-T = CELF Total Score; CPM = Colored Progressive Matrices; ICD9-B/L/C = ICD-9–coded Behavioral, Language, and Cognitive Disorders; ICD9-B = ICD-9–coded Behavioral Disorders; ICD9-L/C = ICD-9–coded Language and Cognitive Disorders; NWAMSE = WAMSE Numeracy Test; RWAMSE = WAMSE Reading Test; SWAMSE = WAMSE Spelling Test; WAMSE = Western Australian Monitoring Standards in Education; WWAMSE = WAMSE Writing Test.

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