Fig. 3.  Frontoparietal resting-state networks connectivity correlates with the level of consciousness across sedation stages. (Left ) Areas of default network (A ), right executive control network (B ), left executive control network (C ) where connectivity strength correlates with consciousness and lateral frontoparietal areas where the strength of anticorrelations with default network correlates with the level of consciousness (D ). Results are thresholded for display at false discovery rate (FDR) corrected P  less than 0.05 (yellow and light blue, FDR 0.05 scale) on an uncorrected (unc) P  less than 0.01 background (red and dark blue, unc 0.01 scale) and are displayed on the mean structural T1 magnetic resonance scan of the subjects. x and z indicate the Montreal National Institute coordinates of section planes. (Right ) Statistical Parametric Mapping parameters estimates (expressed as group means and 90% CI) for connectivity in default network (E ), right executive control network (F ), left executive control network (G ), and anticorrelations between default network and lateral frontoparietal cortices (H ) during wakefulness (W), mild sedation (MS), unconsciousness (U), and recovery of consciousness (R).

Fig. 3.  Frontoparietal resting-state networks connectivity correlates with the level of consciousness across sedation stages. (Left ) Areas of default network (A ), right executive control network (B ), left executive control network (C ) where connectivity strength correlates with consciousness and lateral frontoparietal areas where the strength of anticorrelations with default network correlates with the level of consciousness (D ). Results are thresholded for display at false discovery rate (FDR) corrected P  less than 0.05 (yellow and light blue, FDR 0.05 scale) on an uncorrected (unc) P  less than 0.01 background (red and dark blue, unc 0.01 scale) and are displayed on the mean structural T1 magnetic resonance scan of the subjects. x and z indicate the Montreal National Institute coordinates of section planes. (Right ) Statistical Parametric Mapping parameters estimates (expressed as group means and 90% CI) for connectivity in default network (E ), right executive control network (F ), left executive control network (G ), and anticorrelations between default network and lateral frontoparietal cortices (H ) during wakefulness (W), mild sedation (MS), unconsciousness (U), and recovery of consciousness (R).

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