Fig. 5. Examples of data fits of the effect of remifentanil on ventilation in one subject in the awake state (A –C ) and asleep with propofol (D –F ). (A, D ) Measured remifentanil concentration (closed circles ), pharmacokinetic data fits (thin line ), and estimated effect site (thick line ) concentrations. (B , E ) Minute ventilation with each spontaneous breath is depicted by open circles . Artificial breaths are depicted by closed squares . The lines  through the data are the data fits. During sleep (E ), the subject is apneic and requires artificial breathing assistance. (C , F ) End-tidal carbon dioxide values (open circles ) and data fits. (F ) The effect of the artificial ventilation is clearly visible in the data fits.

Fig. 5. Examples of data fits of the effect of remifentanil on ventilation in one subject in the awake state (A –C ) and asleep with propofol (D –F ). (A, D ) Measured remifentanil concentration (closed circles ), pharmacokinetic data fits (thin line ), and estimated effect site (thick line ) concentrations. (B , E ) Minute ventilation with each spontaneous breath is depicted by open circles . Artificial breaths are depicted by closed squares . The lines  through the data are the data fits. During sleep (E ), the subject is apneic and requires artificial breathing assistance. (C , F ) End-tidal carbon dioxide values (open circles ) and data fits. (F ) The effect of the artificial ventilation is clearly visible in the data fits.

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