Fig. 12. Treatment of cerebral vasospasm with intracarotid verapamil. A 57-yr-old woman developed sudden severe headache and collapsed to the floor. On admission to the hospital emergency department, she was comatose with decorticate posturing. (  A ) Computed tomographic brain scan without contrast demonstrates diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage (  arrow ). (  B and  C ) Cerebral arteriography demonstrates a 7-mm left posterior communicating artery aneurysm (  arrow ). There is no spasm in the cerebral arteries at the time of initial presentation. (  D ) Surveillance arteriography on day 7 after the hemorrhage shows moderate to severe, flow-limiting spasm of the cerebral arteries (  arrows ). (  E ) To prevent stroke, endovascular treatment including balloon angioplasty (  arrow ) followed by vasodilator infusion therapy with 5 mg verapamil was performed. (  F ) Cerebral arteriography after treatment shows both improved vessel dimension and flow in the cerebral vasculature. Images and case history are provided by Phillip M. Meyers, M.D. 

Fig. 12. Treatment of cerebral vasospasm with intracarotid verapamil. A 57-yr-old woman developed sudden severe headache and collapsed to the floor. On admission to the hospital emergency department, she was comatose with decorticate posturing. (  A ) Computed tomographic brain scan without contrast demonstrates diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage (  arrow ). (  B and  C ) Cerebral arteriography demonstrates a 7-mm left posterior communicating artery aneurysm (  arrow ). There is no spasm in the cerebral arteries at the time of initial presentation. (  D ) Surveillance arteriography on day 7 after the hemorrhage shows moderate to severe, flow-limiting spasm of the cerebral arteries (  arrows ). (  E ) To prevent stroke, endovascular treatment including balloon angioplasty (  arrow ) followed by vasodilator infusion therapy with 5 mg verapamil was performed. (  F ) Cerebral arteriography after treatment shows both improved vessel dimension and flow in the cerebral vasculature. Images and case history are provided by Phillip M. Meyers, M.D. 

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