Fig. 1. Summary data for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) sensitivity of single KATPchannels at intracellular pH (pHi) 7.4. Symbols and error bars are means ± SEM. Each data point is a mean from four inside-out patches. Normalized mean open probability (Po) data obtained in control (open symbols) and in the presence of 0.5 mm isoflurane (closed symbols) are plotted against intracellular ATP ([ATP]i) concentrations. Solid line is a Hill fit (see Methods) to mean control data. The IC50for ATP inhibition and the Hill coefficient are reported in Results. At pHi 7.4, isoflurane decreased Po independently of [ATP]i. The dotted line connects mean isoflurane data points.

Fig. 1. Summary data for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) sensitivity of single KATPchannels at intracellular pH (pHi) 7.4. Symbols and error bars are means ± SEM. Each data point is a mean from four inside-out patches. Normalized mean open probability (Po) data obtained in control (open symbols) and in the presence of 0.5 mm isoflurane (closed symbols) are plotted against intracellular ATP ([ATP]i) concentrations. Solid line is a Hill fit (see Methods) to mean control data. The IC50for ATP inhibition and the Hill coefficient are reported in Results. At pHi 7.4, isoflurane decreased Po independently of [ATP]i. The dotted line connects mean isoflurane data points.

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