Fig. 1.
Diagram of genuine permutation cross mutual information (GPCMI) measurements and GPCMI based cortical networks. (A) The motifs (M) of the order 4(4!). (B) Two original 10 s electrocorticogram epochs (x and y) from different electrodes, the corresponding surrogate data (s) generated from x and several motifs (order = 4, and lag = 1) from y. (C) The probability distributions of x and s, and cross-probability distribution of 10-s times series x and s denoted as p(x), p(s) and p(xs), respectively, with embedding dimension m = 4 and the lag τ = 1. (D) The probability distribution and cross-probability distribution of time series x and y, similar to C. (E) GPCMI matrix between all pairs of channels from one patient at a given time. (F) Spatial visualization of the connection matrix in E.

Diagram of genuine permutation cross mutual information (GPCMI) measurements and GPCMI based cortical networks. (A) The motifs (M) of the order 4(4!). (B) Two original 10 s electrocorticogram epochs (x and y) from different electrodes, the corresponding surrogate data (s) generated from x and several motifs (order = 4, and lag = 1) from y. (C) The probability distributions of x and s, and cross-probability distribution of 10-s times series x and s denoted as p(x), p(s) and p(xs), respectively, with embedding dimension m = 4 and the lag τ = 1. (D) The probability distribution and cross-probability distribution of time series x and y, similar to C. (E) GPCMI matrix between all pairs of channels from one patient at a given time. (F) Spatial visualization of the connection matrix in E.

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