Fig. 2.
The effect of prior sustained hypoxia and intravenous iron infusion on acute hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in healthy volunteers. (A) Control responses showing the enhanced hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction after sustained (8 h) hypoxia (green) compared with the response after euoxia (red). (B) Responses after the infusion of intravenous iron showing minimal change to hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction after euoxia, but a significant attenuation of the enhanced response after sustained hypoxia. PASP = pulmonary artery systolic pressure; Po2 = partial pressure of oxygen. Sustained and acute hypoxia = end-tidal Po2 of 50 mmHg. (Based on data from reference 8.)

The effect of prior sustained hypoxia and intravenous iron infusion on acute hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in healthy volunteers. (A) Control responses showing the enhanced hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction after sustained (8 h) hypoxia (green) compared with the response after euoxia (red). (B) Responses after the infusion of intravenous iron showing minimal change to hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction after euoxia, but a significant attenuation of the enhanced response after sustained hypoxia. PASP = pulmonary artery systolic pressure; Po2 = partial pressure of oxygen. Sustained and acute hypoxia = end-tidal Po2 of 50 mmHg. (Based on data from reference 8.)

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