Fig. 4. Time course of dLVP/dtmax(A ) and dLVP/dtmin(B ) before, during, and after global ischemia in CON, SBI, SBAI, and SAI groups. Note that sevoflurane (SEV) treatment in SBI and SBAI groups slightly decreased dLVP/dtmaxand dLVP/dtminsuch that dLVP/dtmaxand dLVP/dtminwere moderately decreased during reperfusion but that these changes were smaller in each sevoflurane group compared with the CON group. See figure 1for details on groups and statistics.

Fig. 4. Time course of dLVP/dtmax(A ) and dLVP/dtmin(B ) before, during, and after global ischemia in CON, SBI, SBAI, and SAI groups. Note that sevoflurane (SEV) treatment in SBI and SBAI groups slightly decreased dLVP/dtmaxand dLVP/dtminsuch that dLVP/dtmaxand dLVP/dtminwere moderately decreased during reperfusion but that these changes were smaller in each sevoflurane group compared with the CON group. See figure 1for details on groups and statistics.

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