Fig. 7.
Time allocation by patient type, males versus females. The figure presents data on time allocation by patient type and gender, indicating that females and males differ in time spent on several types of patients. Significant differences by gender at the P value less than 0.05 level are noted with an asterisk. Differences are statistically significant when controlling for age, years of experience, census region, urban/rural location, race/ethnicity, birth country, whether educated in United States, marital status, and children. ENT = ear, nose, and throat.

Time allocation by patient type, males versus females. The figure presents data on time allocation by patient type and gender, indicating that females and males differ in time spent on several types of patients. Significant differences by gender at the P value less than 0.05 level are noted with an asterisk. Differences are statistically significant when controlling for age, years of experience, census region, urban/rural location, race/ethnicity, birth country, whether educated in United States, marital status, and children. ENT = ear, nose, and throat.

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