Fig. 4. Wash after azi-etomidate modification: reversible  vs. irreversible effects. (  A and  B ) Currents from a single HEK293 cell both before treatment (  A : premodification) and during wash after treatment with 1 μm azi-etomidate + 10 μm GABA + 365 nm light. Currents were elicited with 1 mm γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA).  Bars over traces indicate GABA application, and traces are labeled with wash time in minutes (the 6-min washout trace is unlabeled for clarity). (  C ) Peak current amplitude from Panels  A and  B is plotted  vs. wash time. For this cell, recovery is 90% complete in 6 min and Ipost/Ipre= 0.85. (  D ) Deactivation τw(weighted average time constant) is plotted  vs. wash time. Deactivation continues to slow during wash. (  E ) Maximal currents after treatment and wash normalized to pretreatment currents  vs. azi-etomidate. Cells were treated with azi-etomidate + 10 μm GABA + 365 nm light for 5 min and washed for at least 10 min. Average Ipost/Ipre± SD results are shown from at least three cells or patches at each azi-etomidate concentration. (  F ) Washout time  vs. azi-etomidate. Cells were treated as described for Panel  E and time to 90% recovery of maximal amplitude (I1000) or deactivation weighted time constant (τw) was recorded. Whereas the averaged data show a trend toward slower washout after treatment with higher azi-etomidate concentrations, there were no significant differences among groups. 

Fig. 4. Wash after azi-etomidate modification: reversible  vs. irreversible effects. (  A and  B ) Currents from a single HEK293 cell both before treatment (  A : premodification) and during wash after treatment with 1 μm azi-etomidate + 10 μm GABA + 365 nm light. Currents were elicited with 1 mm γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA).  Bars over traces indicate GABA application, and traces are labeled with wash time in minutes (the 6-min washout trace is unlabeled for clarity). (  C ) Peak current amplitude from Panels  A and  B is plotted  vs. wash time. For this cell, recovery is 90% complete in 6 min and Ipost/Ipre= 0.85. (  D ) Deactivation τw(weighted average time constant) is plotted  vs. wash time. Deactivation continues to slow during wash. (  E ) Maximal currents after treatment and wash normalized to pretreatment currents  vs. azi-etomidate. Cells were treated with azi-etomidate + 10 μm GABA + 365 nm light for 5 min and washed for at least 10 min. Average Ipost/Ipre± SD results are shown from at least three cells or patches at each azi-etomidate concentration. (  F ) Washout time  vs. azi-etomidate. Cells were treated as described for Panel  E and time to 90% recovery of maximal amplitude (I1000) or deactivation weighted time constant (τw) was recorded. Whereas the averaged data show a trend toward slower washout after treatment with higher azi-etomidate concentrations, there were no significant differences among groups. 

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