Fig. 7. Method used to analyze the effect of isoflurane on the inspiratory hypoglossal motoneuron discharge patterns. (  A ) Time-synchronized, cycle-triggered histograms of neuronal discharge frequency (Fn) during control conditions (Fcon) and during isoflurane (Fiso) were plotted against each other for the time period that the neuron was actively discharging. Regression analysis of the plot (  triangles ,  B ) revealed a linear relation with a slope of 0.34 and a y-intercept of 1 Hz. This indicates that isoflurane reduced the gain of the control discharge pattern. Such attenuation in gain is expected if the anesthetic causes an increase in tonic modulatory inhibition. LOI = line of identity; PNG = phrenic neurogram; TI= inspiratory duration. 

Fig. 7. Method used to analyze the effect of isoflurane on the inspiratory hypoglossal motoneuron discharge patterns. (  A ) Time-synchronized, cycle-triggered histograms of neuronal discharge frequency (Fn) during control conditions (Fcon) and during isoflurane (Fiso) were plotted against each other for the time period that the neuron was actively discharging. Regression analysis of the plot (  triangles ,  B ) revealed a linear relation with a slope of 0.34 and a y-intercept of 1 Hz. This indicates that isoflurane reduced the gain of the control discharge pattern. Such attenuation in gain is expected if the anesthetic causes an increase in tonic modulatory inhibition. LOI = line of identity; PNG = phrenic neurogram; TI= inspiratory duration. 

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