Fig. 3. Location of ryanodine receptor type 1 (RYR1) mutations  32–36associated with malignant hyperthermia susceptibility and central core disease. Mutations found in European and Australian malignant hyperthermia–susceptible/central core disease families are shown at the  top ; mutations found in North American malignant hyperthermia–susceptible/central core disease families are shown at the  bottom of the diagram. The novel mutations identified in this study are shown in  bold . The three mutational hot spot areas are  shadowed . CaM = calmodulin; DHPR = dihydropyridine receptor; FKBP12 = FK506-binding protein 12. 

Fig. 3. Location of ryanodine receptor type 1 (RYR1) mutations  32–36 associated with malignant hyperthermia susceptibility and central core disease. Mutations found in European and Australian malignant hyperthermia–susceptible/central core disease families are shown at the  top ; mutations found in North American malignant hyperthermia–susceptible/central core disease families are shown at the  bottom of the diagram. The novel mutations identified in this study are shown in  bold . The three mutational hot spot areas are  shadowed . CaM = calmodulin; DHPR = dihydropyridine receptor; FKBP12 = FK506-binding protein 12. 

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