Fig. 2. Distribution of velocities of actin filament sliding over myosin at baseline (  A ), with 1 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) halothane (  B ), and with 2 MAC halothane (  C ). Individual frame-to-frame velocities from tracked filaments are plotted in a frequency histogram. Each histogram contains data from 150 filaments taken from five separate assays. Temperature, 30°C. 

Fig. 2. Distribution of velocities of actin filament sliding over myosin at baseline (  A ), with 1 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) halothane (  B ), and with 2 MAC halothane (  C ). Individual frame-to-frame velocities from tracked filaments are plotted in a frequency histogram. Each histogram contains data from 150 filaments taken from five separate assays. Temperature, 30°C. 

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