Fig. 6. Effects of the volatile anesthetics isoflurane (A ) and sevoflurane (B ) at different temperatures on voltage-dependent steady state inactivation of ICa. Inactivation curves were generated during control conditions at 37°C (•, solid line) and with one volatile anesthetic at 37°C (○, dashed line) and at 31°C (▪, dot-dashed line). Symbols represent the mean ± SD; n = 7.

Fig. 6. Effects of the volatile anesthetics isoflurane (A ) and sevoflurane (B ) at different temperatures on voltage-dependent steady state inactivation of ICa. Inactivation curves were generated during control conditions at 37°C (•, solid line) and with one volatile anesthetic at 37°C (○, dashed line) and at 31°C (▪, dot-dashed line). Symbols represent the mean ± SD; n = 7.

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