Editor's note: The ASA Monitor is pleased to introduce Dr. Gearhead, a new recurring column developed to provide anesthesiologists with a strong working knowledge of the latest patient wearables, implantable devices, and other medical technologies sure to be encountered in the OR or preoperative clinic.

According to the 2020 CDC National Diabetes Statistics Report, approximately 11% of the United States population had diabetes (asamonitor.pub/3zHi0G1). Insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring devices are becoming more popular among diabetics. A study in 2018 found that up to 40% of type 1 diabetics used one or both technologies (Curr Diab Rep 2021;21:7). This is an ever-expanding area within the medical device industry. It is difficult for the busy anesthesiologist to keep up with the rapidly advancing technology for managing diabetes. I will quickly review developments in insulin pumps and glucose monitoring to provide familiarity with the technology before your...

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