According to recent recommendations from an ASA expert panel, which of the following examinations is MOST likely a primary application of diagnostic point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) for anesthesiologists?

The use of POCUS has been gaining momentum since the American Medical Association emphasized the use of ultrasound within the scope of practice of physicians. Clinical use of ultrasound is becoming more common due to increased availability and decreased cost. It can be done at the bedside to guide procedures (procedural ultrasound) or to answer clinical questions (diagnostic ultrasound).

Although the American College of Emergency Physicians, the Society of Critical Care Medicine, and the American College of Chest Physicians have given minimal guidelines for competency, until recently, ASA had not addressed diagnostic POCUS guidelines and did not have even minimal training guidelines. To address this, ASA established a panel of experts to develop a consensus statement with the aim of identifying scope...

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