A hack is a strategy or technique for managing one's time or activity more efficiently; a trick. Hacks exist in all facets of life. There are hacks for job skills, hobbies, raising children, money, cleaning, building, school, sports, survival skills, etc. Today, hacks are commonly shown on social media. They are extremely popular in the younger population but are fast becoming known to all generations.

An anesthesia hack is a strategy, technique, or trick that makes your life in the OR easier. These tips, tricks, and techniques were passed on to you from your co-residents, attendings, CRNAs, CAAs, anesthesia techs, perioperative staff members, or something you devised that has helped you out tremendously. For the most part, you cannot find these techniques and tricks in medical textbooks or journals. Nonetheless, you use them every day in your practice, and you certainly remember who taught you certain tricks. For example, the...

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