Physician anesthesiologists and practices should consider reporting quality data to the Anesthesia Quality Institute’s (AQI) National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry (NACOR) as an effort that advances the specialty of anesthesiology.

Reporting quality data through NACOR should not be viewed as an onerous task that only serves to meet requirements set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), say members of an AQI advisory group.

“NACOR is really bigger than just a tool used to report to the government,” says Brian J. Cammarata, M.D., Partner and Director of Assurance at Old Pueblo Anesthesia, Tucson, Arizona. “NACOR gives ASA the national benchmarks to objectively demonstrate the quality of care delivered.”

ASA’s NACOR, which includes more than 60 million cases, is the national steward of anesthesia quality data and associated quality measures and has become the indispensable source of national benchmarks, Dr. Cammarata says. The registry provides practices with access to...

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