The 2020 Journal Symposium titled “Hemodynamics 2020” addresses cardiovascular monitoring and management considerations in a perioperative setting.

Jerrold H. Levy, M.D., and

Daniel Sessler, M.D.

The modus operandi for anesthesiologists is to maintain hemodynamic stability. However, what this means clinically is far more complex as perioperative therapeutic goals of cardiovascular management, the complexity of patients and growing knowledge, research and monitoring techniques continue to evolve in our clinical practice. The concept of hemodynamic management includes preoperative evaluation, intraoperative and postoperative management into the ICU. The ongoing clinical applications of invasive and noninvasive measurement technologies that range from ultrasound and echocardiography to noninvasive cardiac output and hemodynamic monitoring continue to evolve. Our clinical management based on therapeutic approaches to physiologic and pharmacologic manipulation continues to evolve, especially regarding blood pressure management, and understanding the end-organ effects in the brain, heart, vasculature, kidneys, gut and other organs. Hemodynamic management also depends on...

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