Discussions of physician wellness have become ubiquitous as rates of physician depression, anxiety, suicidality and substance abuse continue to climb. Unfortunately, albeit unsurprisingly, a decline in mental health among our nation’s caregivers has been mirrored by a rise in physician burnout – characterized by emotional exhaustion, dehumanization and low sense of personal worth or accomplishment – a syndrome from which resident physicians are not immune. A recent meta-analysis estimates the prevalence of depression or depressive symptoms among residents to range from 20.9 percent to 43.2 percent, with rates increasing each year. This data suggests widespread systems issues that are both alarming and devastating for the medical community. Although there is no consensus regarding the appropriate steps to address these issues, inaction and resistance to change are unacceptable.

The residency training period, regardless of medical specialty, has historically been thronged with barriers to wellness and self-care. Such barriers include a...

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