The Perioperative Surgical Home (PSH) is an innovative method of delivering health care during the entire patient care experience, from the time of decision for surgery, throughout preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care, beyond discharge, until full patient recovery. The goal of the PSH includes better care coordination and increased standardization while still allowing for patient variability, which has been shown to result in better clinical outcomes. An added benefit of the PSH model is the reduction of costs associated with health care by eliminating unnecessary tests, improving efficiencies, and reducing postoperative complications and hospital readmissions through coordination of care and transition planning.

It is hard to imagine a more immediate anesthesia patient safety and coordination of care issue than the identification and management of relatively healthy patients recently identified to be at risk for postoperative morbidity and mortality. Analyses of the VISION cohort study, published in 2012 and...

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