A recent study compared previous anesthetic exposure in adults with and without dementia in a case-control manner. Which statement about the results of this study is most likely true?

Anesthetic exposure and subsequent cognitive impairment is a hot topic within anesthesia research circles as well as with the general public. Studies are ongoing into the potential links between anesthetic exposure in pediatric patients and subsequent learning and behavioral problems. Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) has been observed in many elderly patients, and the association between POCD and specific anesthetic agents or techniques and specific surgical procedures is the subject of ongoing research. It has been observed, however, that most POCD clears with time.

The association between anesthetic exposure and subsequent dementia is controversial. Studies of rats exposed to halogenated inhalational agents have shown histological changes similar to those noted in Alzheimer disease (e.g., formation of neurofibrillary tangles, accumulation of β-amyloid in...

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