FAER is accepting nominations for the 2013 FAER Mentoring Excellence in Research Award. The award recognizes an outstanding mentor in anesthesiology and the value of mentorship in the specialty. Each year, the FAER Academy of Research Mentors in Anesthesiology presents the award at the ASA annual meeting during the Celebration of Research.

The nomination deadline for the FAER Mentoring Excellence in Research Award is March 31, 2013.

Anesthesiologists who are actively engaged in anesthesiology mentorship and have a sustained record of mentoring anesthesiologists over time are eligible for the award. The award is based on the training experiences and successes of the nominee’s mentees, not on the mentor’s personal career achievements.

Anyone who is a mentee or a colleague of a successful anesthesiology mentor may submit a nomination. Nominators must have personal knowledge of the nominee’s mentoring efforts. Mentees should be actively involved in research, teaching, mentoring or other...

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