Creating quality measures for inclusion into a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) takes roughly 18 months and includes a number of steps, including concept development, guideline and literature reviews, public comment periods, and testing. Previous measure development cycles were typically nine to 12 months, but with more complicated measures and higher testing standards put forward by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the process was necessarily lengthened. With this time added to the development cycle, the ASA can dedicate resources to expand our outreach efforts to groups and prepare the measures for inclusion in our QCDR.

In the 2019-2020 measure development cycle, four new quality measures were completed by the Committee on Performance Outcomes and Measurement (CPOM) and the Core Measure Development Group (CMDG) in coordination with the Quality and Regulatory Affairs (QRA) team. The CMDG included CPOM members and physician champions from groups that report to the...

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