PSH/ERAS Symbiosis: PSH and ERAS are complementary avenues to the same goal: helping patients prepare for and get through their surgical experience in the best way possible. ERAS focuses on the immediate preop, intraop and immediate postop care from all caregivers – physicians, advanced practice providers, nursing, rehab, dietary, respiratory, pharmacy, family. PSH as a model focuses on the time from the decision to have surgery to recovery. It prepares patients by addressing high-risk disease/behaviors (diabetes, anemia, obesity, smoking, etc.) prior to surgery in a coordinated, patient-centric approach through encouraging patients to take ownership of their health and lifestyle improvements. The changes to these areas of high risk (lower A1C, weight loss, better nutrition, stopping smoking, etc.) produce both short-term and long-term benefits: better surgical outcomes and long-term health.

Implementation: Through help from the PSH Collaborative, we developed the protocols, order sets, information packets and staff training for ERAS for...

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