Dr. Hopf is a member of the FAER Academy of Research Mentors in Anesthesiology and the FAER Board of Directors. She received the 2013 FAER Mentoring Excellence in Research Award, which recognizes outstanding mentorship in anesthesiology

Mentoring has been defined as “a dynamic, reciprocal relationship in a work environment between an advanced career incumbent and a beginner aimed at promoting the development of both.” In this model, the mentor is teacher, protector, role model and advisor. This is a useful definition for one type of mentoring relationship, the traditional research mentor relationship common for most scientists-in-training. However, it leaves out the richness of the world that is mentoring relationships. Therefore, I choose to define mentoring from a more functional perspective. Mentoring, to me, is indeed a “dynamic and reciprocal relationship” between two people “aimed at promoting the development of both.” The richness comes from the variety of people you...

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