An airway fire occurs during laser surgery of the larynx performed with a foil-wrapped polyvinylchloride tracheal tube in place. Which of the following actions is MOST appropriate to be performed initially by the anesthesiologist?

When a tracheal tube fire occurs, it typically begins on the exterior portion of the tracheal tube. However, if it continues to burn and reaches the inner portion of the tube, a blowtorch effect may occur, resulting in devastating distal airway damage.

In order to minimize airway trauma, the sequence of events is important when managing airway fires. Many experts recommend that those members of the surgical team routinely involved in cases involving laser surgery of the airway should practice responses in the event of an airway fire. The American Society of Anesthesiologists practice guidelines recommend that for high-risk situations, each member of the team at the “time out” be assigned specific responsibilities in fire management....

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