To the Editor:-Using the atomizer to deliver local anesthesia to the larynx is common, and one common variation is to deliver high-flow oxygen through the atomizer. [1]We have tried something different, by connecting a jet ventilator hose to the atomizer and setting the jet pressure at 5-10 psi. The atomizer mist thus produced is forceful and can be adjusted by altering the pressure of the jet. The length of the jet tubing should be adequate to reach patients who are bedridden, and who have restricted mobility because of an unstable cervical spine and traction. We have used this technique several times; it works, and it seems to be a reasonable alternative method for using the atomizer to deliver topical anesthesia to the larynx.

Davinder S. Garewal, F.R.C.A., M.R.C.P.

Assistant Professor

Ajeet Sharma, M.D.

CA3 Resident

Thomas Smith

Senior Manager, OR Support Services; Department of Anesthesiology; University of Texas; Room 5.536, MSMB; Fannin 6431; Houston, Texas 77030;

(Accepted for publication October 12, 1998.)

Benumof JL: Airway Management, Principles and Practice, St. Louis, Mosby-Year Book, 1996, pp 168-9