In this issue of Anesthesiology, James C. Eisenach, M.D., Anesthesiology’s Editor-in-Chief from 2007 to this issue of the journal, discusses the contributions of Emery Rovenstine to the evolution of the practice of our specialty. Several other articles appear in this issue that highlight the evolution of ethics in our specialty, including the evolution of the intraoperative anesthetic record from the handwritten record of Robert Dripps shown on the cover (Johnstone and Fleisher) to ethics in modern education (Schwartz) and patients’ perspectives on giving informed consent for research on the morning of surgery (Murphy et al.). In addition, Huffmyer and her colleagues raise the problem faced by modern anesthesiology training programs by demonstrating that lapses in driving performance are common after overnight work in the hospital.

  • Eisenach: Without Science There Is Little Art in Anesthesiology: 2015 Rovenstine Lecture, p. 1205

  • Johnstone and Fleisher: A 1966 Anesthetic Administered by Robert D. Dripps, M.D., Demonstrated His Experimental Style of Clinical Care, p. 1218

  • Schwartz: Anesthetic Records: Lessons about Ethics and Education, p. 1208

  • Murphy et al.: Consent for Anesthesia Clinical Trials on the Day of Surgery: Patient Attitudes and Perceptions, p. 1246

  • Huffmyer et al.: Driving Performance of Residents after Six Consecutive Overnight Work Shifts, p. 1396
